I hope you enjoy this free/paid issue of the starter. I began this project because I simply wanted to publish something that was positive, an easy read, something to enable readers to begin their week on a positive note. This is a work-in-progress, however, and I will be working hard to make the starter better with each issue. It will come into your inbox at 8am, each Monday morning. Comments are always welcomed! Enjoy!
***As a special bonus, in light of the eclipse today, I would like to share with you a poem from my good friend, Bob Weber. The poem, “Eclipse,” is from his new book, Poems From the Rainbow’s Bow. After you read it, you won’t believe you read it, without howling! I’m just warning you! One more time for those who missed it, last week!
Quote: : “I realized that I had things in my head not like what I had been taught – not like what I had seen – shapes and ideas so familiar to me that it hadn’t occurred to me to put them down.
I decided to stop painting, to put away everything I had done, and to start to say the things that were my own." Georgia O'Keeffe
“How I Rediscovered My Creative Spirit” — takes us on a short 3-minute journey with a lesson about putting the journey ahead of the supposed rewards. Elizabeth Page, The Writing Cooperative
A young woman who lives a very ordinary life one day finds a mysterious note with an invitation to go on an adventure. She goes on a treasure hunt where she finds clues that lead her to different places, unraveling a mystery that turns out different than expected. (-ed. I didn’t expect this! At the end, take a moment and think about the message.
(-ed. The revelation doesn’t come as a hammer but, rather, a downy-soft feather.)
Shadow & Light Magazine Archives: Catharine Carter: I met Catharine, first as a client and now I can call her a friend. After we finished our client-web builder relationship a friendship developed. We have now been calling each other about once-a-month, and we chat normal things for photographers: growing viewership on our sites, making more sales, etc. The first thing that attracted me to Catharine, however, was the quality of her work. Take a look and you might just join me as an admirer of her spiritually-based art. (image: Bubbles, ©Catharine Carter) Enjoy!